Swisstainable. Splash e SPA Tamaro's commitment to sustainability
Splash e SPA Tamaro's commitment to sustainability

Splash e SPA Tamaro is pleased to announce that, thanks to its commitment to sustainability, it has been awarded the 'Swisstainable' label - Level III - leading (the highest level of the programme).
Swisstainable unites businesses and organisations along the entire Swiss tourism sector that are committed to continuous sustainable business development, to pursue measures in the area of sustainability and thus make a concrete contribution to a sustainable Swiss tourism together with us.
Companies in the tourism sector (leisure, restaurants, public transport, congress/events centres,...) that demonstrate a particular focus on sustainability are awarded the 'Swisstainable' label.
Depending on the degree of commitment and objectives achieved in this direction, the label can be Level I - committed / Level II - engaged / Level III - leading
Level III - leading (highest level) is awarded to companies that already have a comprehensive and recognised sustainability certification.
Splash e SPA fulfils this requirement, being certified according to the international standards ISO 9001 for Quality, ISO 14001 for Environment and ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety.
More about Swisstainable: